From the beginning of education, many people dream of becoming a doctor. As much as it is possible for a doctor to stand by the side of the common man to serve and help as much as possible, trying to help selflessly from other professions is even a little difficult. Therefore, many people hold the great vow of philanthropy in their hearts and dream of becoming a doctor. But the way to present yourself as a doctor is not easy. This requires extraordinary dedication, hard work, determination and timely study. So today's discussion will be about how to get ahead in medical admission preparation.
Value distribution
30 from Biology, 25 from Chemistry, 20 from Physics, 15 from English, General Knowledge Bangladesh and 10 from History out of total 100 questions out of 100 marks. Each question is worth 1. Total duration of exam is 1 hour. All 100 questions of this exam are MCQ ie multiple choice. The minimum pass mark in this MCQ exam is 40. In multiple choice test, 0.25 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer i.e. 1 mark will be deducted for every 4 wrong answers. However, if there is a mistake in the question or option, all marks will be awarded. For example in 2020-21 session there were problems in 2 questions. As a result everyone got 2 marks.biology
What else can be said about biology for medical students? But for 1st paper Abul Hasan and 2nd paper Gazi Ajmal sir books are very important. Biology preparation becomes 98% if these two books are read from beginning to end. More questions come from 2nd paper. So every topic of 2nd paper should be memorized completely.chemistry
For both medical and engineering preparation, chemistry subject should be read seriously. You don't have to read all of the books. Important topics should be covered. In medical, questions are not suddenly from any new topic. Most of the questions come from past 10 years question topics. A math problem question may come from chemistry.physics
Cognitive or perceptual questions are more common in medical entrance exams, mathematical problems are less common. In fact examples can come from small maths which can be understood by looking at previous year questions. So various graphs and relationships, cognitive questions have to be read again and again.general knowledge
From any general knowledge book, Bangladesh issues especially about the liberation war and history should be well known. Many people say that just as medical can be confirmed from biology, chemistry, physics, general knowledge and English can also be admitted to first class colleges. It means that if you have good general knowledge and English, you can be ahead. So they should be read regularly from the beginning. Many people start general knowledge 10 days before the exam and as a result they can't finish it, they don't even remember. There is no pressure to read from the beginning to the end.English
Apart from solving the English questions on the topics (such as Voice, Narration, Synonym, Antonym, Correction, Spelling, Preposition, Phrase & Idioms etc.) in the previous years medical and dental question papers, you should read those topics in more detail from a good grammar book. English question bank of BCS and DU can also be solved if there is time. General knowledge and good preparation of English makes a student very confident.Everyone should study regularly from now on. And a lot of model tests have to be given. By this, the type of question paper can be understood. And seriously start solving previous year medical and dental questions. Without solving these the entire preparation will remain incomplete.
Many people want to study medicine. But not everyone gets a chance. So, if you are a little careful and study a little bit in advance, there may be an opportunity. Success doesn't just happen. It must be difficult for that. Only a diligent and hardworking student gets a chance to study in medical.
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